Living in the Mystery

A Life of Virtue: An Introduction A Life of Virtue: Philosophy as a Way of Life

The objective of A Life of Virtue Blog

I mean Negative Capability, that is when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason

John Keats

I wander in a sea of uncertainties, and bathe myself in the unfathomable mysteries of the cosmos.

My mind begs for answers, for direction, for a solid ground to stand on. But my heart, pleads for me to stay on course. To venture onto the pathless path.

Inspired by the work of Shakespeare, the esteemed English poet John Keats coined the term ‘negative capability’ to describe the embrace of the unknown. It speaks to the idea of withholding judgement, and refraining from our desire to seek immediate answers. Negative capability requires one to cultivate a degree of attentiveness towards the world. To let go of our grip, our control, and open up our arms to beauty, grace and truth.

Our rational thinking mind turns off as we connect more deeply with our intuition, the deeper experiences of our life.

As we step into the mystery, novel possibilities unfold. Creativity emerges giving birth to new ways of being. The lenses that we have previously used to interpret the world become obsolete. The chains that held us back, our fears and self-doubt, break apart.

We can begin anew.

For what is a human being but a bridge between who they are and what they can be.

A stream of potentialities.

This article was originally published on the Pointless Overthinking Blog

Source Image: Pexels Free Photos

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