Living in the Gift


Take a deep breath. Open your eyes and observe what is around you.

Look at the sun beaming through the blossoming trees. Listen to the birds singing ecstatically with feverous joy. Touch the different textures of plants in your garden as you await a bountiful feast upon harvest.

We didn’t earn the pleasures of the awe inspiring world that we were born into. Rather they were freely available to us upon birth. They are gifts.

Life is a gift.

We are all born as helpless infants, dependent on our parents or caregivers for our day to day survival. They’ve fed us, nourished us and did the best they could to get us to where we are today.

Our lives are shaped from the generosity of others, and sustained through the abundance and blessings of nature.

When you look at things from this vantage point, you begin to feel a sense of immense gratitude. Your heart pours out with joy. The crude individualism that is revered in our culture begins to slowly fade away. How could we, in good faith, remain in a state of arrogance and greed if we truly recognize all that we were given in this life.

As we become aware and grateful of the many gifts our world provides, we are called to give back. We give with generosity, without demanding anything in return, because we are appreciative of all that we have received.

Each of us is unique and can offer our distinct gifts to the world.

As the writer and activist Charles Eisenstein notes, we are all born into a world of abundance. We are more than separate selves viscously competing for limited resources. Rather, as we’ve become increasingly aware, all of us are deeply connected through various different systems. We all reside in a single ecosystem, and on a deeper level we all share the same fate.

Imagine the world we could aspire to, the community we could create and waste we would reduce if we all embraced this fundamental truth of connection and co-dependency. Relationships would flourish and our bond to the earth would be restored as we prioritize people over things.

So, what gift is in you to give? What do you want to do to connect with others and work towards a more beautiful world?

Let me know in the comments.

This repost from an article I submitted last week on Pointless Overthinking.

Source Image: Pexels Free Photos


The Wisdom of Being Wrong — Pointless Overthinking

Hello Friends,

You can check out a new article I published on the Pointless Overthinking blog by clicking on the link below.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend:)

If only things were that simple. If only events could be packaged into neat containers of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ or ‘good’ and ‘evil’. Despite our proclivities towards binary and dualistic thinking, life is a whole lot messier. Many circumstances are morally ambiguous and uncertain. Being in this metaphorical ‘grey’ area of not knowing can be…

The Wisdom of Being Wrong — Pointless Overthinking

Living in the Mystery


A Life of Virtue: An Introduction A Life of Virtue: Philosophy as a Way of Life

The objective of A Life of Virtue Blog

I mean Negative Capability, that is when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason

John Keats

I wander in a sea of uncertainties, and bathe myself in the unfathomable mysteries of the cosmos.

My mind begs for answers, for direction, for a solid ground to stand on. But my heart, pleads for me to stay on course. To venture onto the pathless path.

Inspired by the work of Shakespeare, the esteemed English poet John Keats coined the term ‘negative capability’ to describe the embrace of the unknown. It speaks to the idea of withholding judgement, and refraining from our desire to seek immediate answers. Negative capability requires one to cultivate a degree of attentiveness towards the world. To let go of our grip, our control, and open up our arms to beauty, grace and truth.

Our rational thinking mind turns off as we connect more deeply with our intuition, the deeper experiences of our life.

As we step into the mystery, novel possibilities unfold. Creativity emerges giving birth to new ways of being. The lenses that we have previously used to interpret the world become obsolete. The chains that held us back, our fears and self-doubt, break apart.

We can begin anew.

For what is a human being but a bridge between who they are and what they can be.

A stream of potentialities.

This article was originally published on the Pointless Overthinking Blog

Source Image: Pexels Free Photos