Lessons from Nature

You can now listen to this poem in audio format in the link below.

A poem I wrote inspired by the key themes of the Tao Te Ching.

Nature, teach me how to live

To embrace change and

Flow effortlessly like the steady stream

To embody the wisdom of the trees

Who shed their leaves in the fall

Scattering their vibrant colours and

Peculiar shapes across the forest floor

So to can I

Learn to let go

Liberate and regenerate

For refresh and renewal

Nature, you do not judge

Night from day

Calm from storm

Chaos from order

What seems split in two, is all but one

And you do not rush

With time and ease

All that needs to be done is done

Nature, let me learn from you

Let me immerse myself in the vast natural world

For I am you, and you are I

I am you, you-I

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