
Indigenous Knowledge: A Roadmap to Belonging Again [Reflection and Reblog]

As Truth and Reconciliation Day approaches in Canada, I am reposting an article I wrote on the vital lessons we can learn from Indigenous knowledge and culture.

In the modern world we forget that we are intrinsically linked to complex natural ecosystems. Instead, we adopt a belief that the world exists for our exclusive benefit. Everything is merely a resource that can be extracted for the consumption and pleasure of the human species.

Indigenous knowledge can remind us however that we exist in relationship to the natural world. There is no separation. Our health is tied to the wellbeing of the planet. We depend upon clean air and water, healthy forests and the awe-inspiring biodiversity of species living all throughout the globe.

It seems like we have forgotten this. Learning the wisdom of Indigenous cultures is but one way we can begin to restore our relationship with the earth. It can teach us humility, respect and most importantly reverence for the beauty of life.

A Nostalgia for Peace


In some ways I have nostalgia for simpler times. Dare I say I miss the slower more reflective pace of life that we were collectively forced to adopt during the pandemic.

To be clear, this is in no way justifying the suffering, difficulty and hardship faced by many.

What I am speaking of rather is the way in which this event enabled me to go inwards – to explore the inner depths of life. To be shielded and secluded from the seemingly nonsensical busyness and trivialities of day to day modern life. A space for honest contemplation and thought.

For a brief moment – we stepped on the breaks, looked in the mirror and asked ‘why’. A simple yet sober inquiry. One sure to confront and weaken our illusions.

Why, this obsession with busyness?

Why, this longing for productivity?

Why desire to return to a lifestyle that is not amenable to our personal, societal or ecological wellbeing?

The defenders of the ideology of normal tighten their hold. They wish to close the door to novelty, creativity and new possibilities.

Despite their efforts, a ray of light punctures through, hope yet remains.

In Search of an Inner Life


I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious

Albert Einstein

Is there anything beyond the futility of the external world, governed by fierce competition, ambition and baseless pleasures?

Where does one take refuge from the constant treadmill of busyness that encapsulates our day to day working lives?

One is inclined to ask, is there anything outside of the status games played within our society, trying impress others through fame, fortune or luxury consumer goods. A life of endless striving for misleading pleasures is exhausting. Spending money to buy new things requires one to dedicate more and more of one’s time to work – an endless cycle.

So what can provide us with reprieve from this perpetual restlessness. Religions, philosophers, and intellectuals have long praised the benefits of going inwards. Practices such as meditation, prayer, reading and contemplation allow one to connect with themselves more deeply. This distances and shelters us from the noise of the social and political world. It provides us with perspective from the outrage of news headlines and increasingly polarized politics.

Learning for its Own Sake

But what constitutes an inner life, and how can it be cultivated? In Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life, Zena Hitz looks at how intellectual pursuits help us foster inner depth and meaning. Hitz wants to democratize learning and education beyond the proverbial ‘Ivory Tower.’ She wants to recover the joys and pleasure of learning for its own sake.

If an individual is intrinsically motivated, they’ll willingly spend hours upon hours learning about a subject. They will study its nuance and intricacies because this is what genuinely interests them irrespective of any external rewards. Grades, high paying jobs and social status may be a byproduct of their efforts, but it is not their sole focus.

Hitz argues that learning is a noble and worthy goal in and of itself . Wonder and contemplation of life’s central questions is part of our human nature. As Hitz writes,

Education begins from the assumption that students are capable of taking responsibility for their own learning and they are naturally motivated, even driven from within to pursue fundamental questions….If we wish to promote the virtue of seriousness in young people, to pass on free inquiry, to lead students in the depths where real understanding take place, we must first cultivate ourselves.

Zena Hitz, Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life

Expanding our Humanity

Education broadens our horizons, and exposes us to different perspectives and ways of being. Great literature informs us of our connection to others regardless of class, race or gender. It demonstrates that at a more fundamental level, we all have the same basic emotions, desires and struggles. Math and science enables us to transcend the trivialities of the day to day to discover fundamental truths about the cosmos.

By reading broadly and widely we become exposed to different ways of life. This provides insight and allows us to engage in self-reflection of both our selves and society as a whole.

Restoring Human Dignity

The value of an inner world and pursuing learning for its own sake is that it offers a source of human dignity. Intellectual life (outside of the academy) demonstrates that our self worth is greater than what is merely instrumental (i.e., social status, political views, cash in a bank account). We can’t simply be reduced by our outward appearance or external achievements.

At its best, education inspires and aspires us towards a higher ideal. It shows us the path towards something greater than our limited self-interest, something beyond ourself.

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